Below are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions by prospective members:

1) What are the qualifications to be a Freemason?   The applicant must be male, of legal age, good reputation and have a sincere believe in God.

2) How do you get an invite?  Ask.  If you are interested in joining Masonry, ask a Mason – he will be more than happy to help you.

3) I don’t know any Masons, haven’t had any family members who are or were Masons, does that matter?  No, see question 1 for qualifications.

4) Can I visit the lodge before deciding to join?  Yes!  If you can make it down to the lodge on a stated meeting night, you’d be welcome as our guest for dinner, you could meet some of the guys and get a tour of the lodge.  Meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 P.M.