Our Goal
Making Good Men Better
This is a phrase, which has been around for some time. It really does say much about ‘the Craft’ (as Freemasonry is sometimes called) in that the selection process does not condone making members of ‘bad’ men. Those whose behavior is scandalous, those with an unsavory past, those who think only of themselves are those who would not be welcomed into its ranks.
Does Freemasonry have programs or formal programs to further this? No, not particularly. Such betterment comes through the association with others who are seeking to be good and do better in their daily lives. The rituals of becoming a member, while not identical from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge, have a commonality of purpose: to impart upon the mind of the initiate that there is a good to be done in the world and that putting aside one’s ‘lesser self’ can serve to benefit all. Many Masonic writers wax poetic about the ‘lessons of Freemasonry’ in the context of religion or service to community and yet, such things are – for the most part – unstated in the Masonic rituals. Reference, in many cases, is a small part of an evening, which doesn’t occur at each meeting and yet, we as Masons come to understand and accept their siren call as appealing to our higher nature. We WANT to do good, to be better. With little encouragement, we can and do because it’s part of our being even if we didn’t fully realize that when we joined.
Freemasonry does not – despite the rants of some of its detractors – have some over-arching plan for world domination. If we had, we’ve done a pretty darn poor job in achieving it over these past 300+ years and there’s not much hope of doing better! Nor does Freemasonry want to supercede or supplant religion – of any stripe. Such charges are ludicrous on their face. If Freemasonry were as powerful in those arenas as anti-Masons would have you believe, why hasn’t it succeeded in its aims? Is it that the hidden internet identities or those ranting in the park have actually held so much sway that Freemasonry was afraid of making a move? Hardly…. The simple fact is that they are wrong and that Freemasonry’s sole reason for being is to allow men to come together to enjoy the friendship and fraternity of like-minded individuals.
A History of Wayzata Lodge
(Reprinted from 75th Anniversary Booklet)
On the northeast shores of rambling Lake Minnetonka nestles the community of Wayzata. Lake Minnetonka, located in western Hennepin County in the glacial moraine area of central Minnesota, is a fine deep lake of many bays and beautiful shores. Discovered in May of 1822 by four young men from Fort Snelling, including Joseph Snelling, son of Colonel Josiah Snelling, the lake soon attracted settlers.
After the Civil War, the lake area became popular as a resort center. During the 1880’s, the people from the great cities of the south and central states came to the Wayzata and other Lake Minnetonka areas to spend their summers at the plush resort hotels along the shores. From the railway station in Wayzata, they walked down to the docks where porters touted the merits of the individual hotels. At the dock, lake steamers waited to take them to the hotels. The Belle of Minnetonka, just one of the many steamers, was a 300-foot side-wheeler with a capacity of 2500 passengers.
But this era soon passed and even before 1900 had arrived, Minnetonka was…
Read the complete article here.
Now that you know a little more about Freemasonry, if you are still interested and would like to find out more about our fraternity please contact us so someone can get in touch with you and answer more of your questions, explain to you the process of joining Freemasonry and lead you through that process if you desire to join our Fraternity. The person you will talk with will only take you as far as you want to go. You can stop at any time, take some time to think on your own, do more research and then come back to talk some more. You are in control…
Thank you for taking the time to take a look at our Fraternity.
Petition Instructions for New Masons, and to Affiliate with Wayzata Lodge
To become a new Mason and join Wayzata Lodge – print out a petition by clicking here or request one via email.
If you are already a Mason – and you would like to have a Dual Membership with Wayzata Lodge, Affiliate, or Restore being a Member — print out this petition by clicking here or request one via email. Affiliation is when you would like to move from your previous lodge to a new lodge. *Be sure to obtain a ‘Letter of Good Standing’ from your Lodge Secretary to submit with this petition if you are Affiliating, or desiring a Dual Membership.
Fill out the petition and have it signed by two Masons from Wayzata Lodge, or bring it to a Lodge dinner prior to a meeting. Please include an initial check for $50.00 or the full amount ($205).
Questions? Feel free to fill out our contact form, or one can email, or call the Lodge at 952-473-6663. Please leave a voice message if no one is available.